I am a big believer in humor. One needs a well developed sense of humor in our work.
Top Ten Signs that your Development Staff are clueless about Prospect Research
10. Your Development Director doesn’t understand the need for screening because he hasn’t seen a mosquito in the office in months.
9. Your Development Director keeps calling you Marcia.
8. You have to explain that liquid assets aren’t wine collections.
7. When you ask about inclination, your DoD is surprised you know how to find out what gender they prefer.
6. Your Major Gifts officer thinks APRA is new French bra.
5. Your Development Director wants you to find out the shoe size, favorite color of your key board member. She also wants to know if they are Elvis Costello fans. She wants it by 5pm today.
4. Your DoD and ED hire an expensive firm to do a 6 month feasibility study that you could in a weekend with a pint of good ice cream and some Starbuck’s latte’s.
3. Your Executive Directors thinks you have access to personal bank records, criminal records and are afraid your going to find out about 5-10yr stint they did for armed robbery in the state pen. Of course you lord it over them to maneuver for a raise.
2. You just met your Major Gifts Director after she has been there for…4 years.
1. When you say you purchased Lexis Nexis your development staff are thrilled you replaced your old Toyota.
All humor can only be reproduced with permission of Armando Zumaya
Great Humor Websites !!
Andy Borowitz:
Andy Borowitz: